From September, 2010
Press Release: V:TES to Cease Production after 10 years back at White Wolf
V:TES to Cease Production after 10 years back at White Wolf
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle® Trading Card Game to Cease Production
Atlanta, GA September 10, 2010 — Vampire: The Eternal Struggle™, the trading card game published since 2000 by White Wolf Publishing Inc., has survived the lifetimes of many Methuselahs, been a terrifying vehicle for their manipulative ways and a true forum for the creation of lifelong friends and bitter enemies since its launch in 1994.
White Wolf has been increasingly unable to continue serving the V:TES community in the way that the game requires. After an exhaustive search for possible alternatives to extend V:TES, one of the oldest collectible card games will be returning to torpor once more. White Wolf sought out many possible licensors to take over the franchise but an accord could not be met. V:TES will finish the year strongly with the North American Championship at The Grand Masquerade in New Orleans and the European Championship in Paris and continue to support tournaments for another year, even in the absence of new expansions or reprints of old sets. The strength of V:TES has always been in its devout following, and White Wolf trusts that while the game may retreat from the light for the foreseeable future, it will never suffer a final death.
Direct Inquiries to:
Oscar Garza, Organized Play Director
White Wolf Publishing
orgplay (/at/) white-wolf (/dot/) com