From May, 2011

Know Your Kindred – Ankh-sen-Sutekh

Name: Ankh-sen-Sutekh
Clan: Followers of Set
Generation; 8th
Embrace: 1315

Ankh-sen-Sutekh (literally meaning “She-Lives-For-Sutekh”) is a highly skilled sorceress for hire.

Having devoted her existence to exposing the flaws of civilization and bringing about the return of Set, Ankh-sen-Sutekh operates out of Alexandria, selling her magical talents to the highest bidder.  She used the money, boons and contacts from her mercenary work to help create a network of spies and assassins, spanning the entire Mediterranean.

In life, she was originally a slave working in one of the great temples of Set.  Ankh-sen-Sutekh was destined to be just another blood doll until her sire recognized her potential and Embraced her.

She spent the first part of her unlife studying Setite teachings: that civilization was a tool of Osiris against Set.  That all Setites must strive towards destroying civilization and awakening their dark god.  In addition, Ankh-sen-Sutekh was tutored in the Akhu style of religious magic practiced by her clan.

Ankh-sen-Sutekh is a small woman with black hair and intense eyes. She dresses more conservatively, unless she is involved in her magic, in which case she dresses like an Egyptian priestess of old.  Despite her small size, she radiates an almost palpable aura of power.

Source: The Red Sign, pg 24, 102

Know Your Kindred – Hazimel

Name: Hazimel
Clan: Ravnos
Generation: 4th
Embraced: ?

Legend says Hazimel was a stone mason, who ruled much of pre-historic India. He extended his domain by bestowing his Eye upon a succession of rulers in exchange for their loyalty. Today Hazimel’s existence is more myth than reality, but his Eye – the evil eye of Gypsy folklore – resurfaced in the midst of the Sabbat assault on Atlanta in 1999.

According to the Ravnos Khalil, Hazimel had sent his own eye out from his tomb. While he slept, he was still connected to his Eye, being able to see all that it saw.  Eventually, the Eye was hidden in a statue, that wound up on display in the home of the Toreador Victoria Ash in Atlanta.

When the Sabbat assaulted Atlanta, the Eye was discovered and obtained by a vampire named Leopold, who lost his sanity to the Eye’s influence. Leopold replaced one of his own eyes with Hazimel’s and a terrible power flowed through his body.

With the Eye, Leopold began to create a horrific masterwork of flesh and stone in the Adirondack Mountains. A Gangrel war band was sent after him, but Leopold destroyed nearly all of them. Only the Gangrel Justicar, Xaviar, survived.  He called Leopold a sign of Gehenna, the vampiric End Times, and pulled his clan out of the Camarilla when the war council in Baltimore refused to support his assertion.

Eventually, Leopold was killed and the Eye came into the possession of the Setite scholar, Hesha Ruhadze, who through an enchanted gemstone could telepathically connect to the Eye in the hopes to better understand the artifact’s true nature.

But before Hesha could delve too deeply into studying the Eye, a Sabbat war party lead by the Tzimisce methuselah, Lambach, stole the Eye.  Lambach used the power of the Eye to create an army of vampire shock troops.  The Eye horribly changed Lambach’s physical form, becoming unrecognizable.

Lambach and his forces were destroyed in Los Angeles after Ambrogino Giovanni and his clan’s most powerful necromancers performed a ritual that pulled the souls of Lambach and his troops out of their bodies.

What happened to Hazimel’s Eye after that is anyone’s guess…

– Sources: The Clan Novel Saga, The Eye of Hazimel Storyline 2002, Lambach’s Legion Storyline 2003.