From July, 2021

Tournament Report – Fee Stake: Florence

Fee Stake: Florence
July 24, 2021
12 Players in attendance
Two Rounds + Final
Location: Seminar Brewing 551 W. Lucas St., Florence, South Carolina

Fee Stakes: Florence Final Round Tournament Report.

  1. Jose A. Lafuente – !Malk Stealth Bleed
  2. Ethan Tyler Mathis – Toreador Bruise & Bleed
  3. John Byrd – Weenie Obfuscate
  4. Benjamin Billings – Baba Yaga
  5. Jason D Joy – !Salubri

Jose started Kindred Spirits bleeding Ethan right away with his mid-cap !Malkavians. It would not be until Turn 4 that Ethan got his first vampire out (Miller Delmardigan).

John brought out small caps each Turn and rather than focus on bleeding a minion-less prey, he used his first few turns equipping his vamps with Laptops, Coolers or Bombs.

Benjamin did not draw a Baba Yaga in this opening crypt and spent the first three Turns burning a pool to find one. It was not until Turn 4 that Baba Yaga would start receiving pool.

Jason brought out Castiel and Thomas Steed, but had no rushes or weapons in his hand.

Jose stealth bled Ethan for 2-4 pool each turn.

On Turn 5, Ethan brought out Kallista, Master Sculptuer and was down to 8 pool.

On Turn 6, Ethan played a Villien on Miller for 5 pool to stay alive. He would also Fame John’s Basil, rush with Fleetness, Fast Hands Basil’s Bomb and sent Basil to Torpor. Ethan put Dragonbound into play on his discard phase.

John lost 5 pool total from the Fame/Dragonbound Basil on Turn 6.
On Turn 6, Benjamin influenced out Baba Yaga and was now down to 11 pool.

The Fame would burn pool from all Methuselahs at their unlock phases for all of Turn 7. At the end of Turn 7, both Ethan and John were down to 2 pool each.

On Turn 7, Benjamin played a Slum Hunting Ground and Deep Song rushed Thomas Steed, dealing 4 damage to him.

On Turn 8, Jose bled out Ethan, earning the game’s first VP. John then bled out Benjamin with two bleeds for the second VP. Jason rushed John’s Celine and sent her to torpor, earning Castiel a Righteous Aura.
On Turn 10, Jose attempted to bleed John, but lost his Uncle George to a bomb. John then had another minion sent to torpor while attempting to bleed Jason. With only two out of six vampires ready, John transferred out his remaining pool, earning Jose a second VP.

Jason and Jose went back and forth with bleeding and rushing actions. On Turn 11, Apache Jones went to torpor, and on Turn 12, Midget was burned in combat

On Turn 14, with only one ready minion left, Jose conceded and Jason earned 2 VPs.
Jose was declared the tournament winner with 84 TPs vs Jason’s 78.

Know Your Kindred is Being Updated 2021

It took me about a year to get around to it, but Know Your Kindred is being updated as we speak. I have added several entires for cards I first posted back in 2010. Huitzilopochtli, Joe “Boot” Hill, Toy, Talbot, Pentweret, and many more are now on this site. I will continue to add more of my old entries throughout the week, until hopefully the entire achieve will be on here by the end of the week.

Looking back its hard to imagine I first started writing these back in 2008. Time goes by fast.

Florence VTES Tournament July 24

The Florence South Carolina VTES group will host a Vampire: The Eternal Struggle tournament on Saturday July 24, 2021 at Noon at Seminar Brewery.

The tournament will be two rounds and a final. If less than 12 players attend, a multi-deck format may be used.

Seminar Brewery – 551 West Lucas Street, Florence, SC 29501

More details here on Facebook.