Know Your Kindred – Alejandro Aguirre

Name:  Alejandro Aguirre
Clan:  Tremere antitribu
Generation:  10th
Embrace: Late 19th Century

Alejandro was a snake oil sales man, traveling through Mexico, Texas and California selling a miracle tonic that could cure any aliment imaginable.  The tonic killed far more than it cured, but luckily for Alejandro he met a man who promised he could teach him real magic.  Alejandro agreed and was attacked by the man and turned into a vampire.  Alejandro was now a Tremere and over a great deal of time has learned to master several of his clan’s powerful spells. Some of his clanmates would debate if Alejandro’s spells are really that powerful, but he can create one hell of a lightening storm.

Alejandro is vain and cocky to a fault.  He dresses in Mexico’s finest clothing and moves with the grace of a dancer.  He is seldom without a smile on his face and a woman on his arm.  His mustache is normally slightly hidden behind a fat cigar.

– Source:  Tales of the Trail:  Mexico, pg. 88-89