Know Your Kindred – Alfred Benezri

Name:  Alfred Benezri
Clan:  Pander
Generation:  8th
Embraced:  1769

Alfred is a rare breed among the Sabbat – contemplative and spiritual.  A poet and statesman, Alfred is now the Archbishop of Montreal.  Prior to that he was a judge and knight inquisitor, where he helped write the format for the modern Sabbat Inquisition.

As Archbishop, Alfred tires to keep the peace between the various Sabbat packs.  His even temper helps calm the more eclectic Sabbat members.

Alfred was Embraced in Damascus in 1769.  After his sire was destroyed, Alfred fled to Montreal where he was accepted by the Sabbat’s Shepherds of Caine, despite his Sunni Muslim heritage.  Alfred seeks to understand God through the melody of his words.  He tortures mortals to record their dying utterances.

On special occasions Alfred has allowed non-Sabbat vampires entry into Montreal, something unpopular with younger Sabbat.

Alfred is a tall man with dark skin.  His eyes are a piercing blue.  He wears clothes from the Middle East, typically robes made of silk.  Alfred mostly feeds from members of the Arab and Iranian community in Montreal.

Note:  Alfred is romantically involved with the Kiasyd, Beatrice L’Angou.

– Source:  Montreal by Night, pg. 85-86.  Nights of Prophecy, pg. 132, 136, 142, 156.