Know Your Kindred – Jorge De La Muerte

Name:  Jorge De La Muerte
Clan:  Samedi
Generation:  7th
Embrace:  1732

Jorge De La Muerte hates the Sabbat.  He is on a mission of revenge, for all the dead spirits that cry out to him.  He has infiltrated the Sabbat in Mexico City and has joined the Black Hand.  He acts as a spy for Baron Samedi and is learning all he can about the sect.

Jorge is a Remover for the Black Hand and a master of torture, so Jorge is as feared as any Kindred in Mexico City, but he doesn’t let that information leak unless it’s necessary.

Jorge is a shriveled stick of a man.  His skin peals and flakes away constantly and his eyes are sunken deep into the back of his head.  He usually wears sandals, black pants and a doctor’s lab coat.  He is never seen without his doctor’s bag full of autopsy equipment.

– Source:  Choas Factor, pg 56.