Know Your Kindred – Lord Ephraim Wainwright

Name: Lord Ephraim Wainwright, “Imp”
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 8th
Embraced: 1821

Ephraim is a scholar’s scholar.  He sees omens and divinations everywhere, which he records in his black journal.  In life he was a dwarf, living a life of hardship.  But a Tremere named Aidan Lyle felt compassion for him and made him a ghoul.

After a lifetime of servitude, Ephraim proved to be a very bright apprentice and was embraced.  He made his home in London, buying an estate and continuing to advance his knowledge of blood magic.

Ephraim has a particular interest in the Daughters of Cacophony and in the magical properties of music.  His latest book, Songs of the Eve of Gehenna, has been decried as inflammatory by Camarilla and Tremere elders.

Ephraim knows many, many paths and rituals and will use them without hesitation.  It is ill-advised to stand in his way.

– Source:  Nights of Prophecy, page 46