Know Your Kindred – Ur Shulgi, The Shepherd

Name:  Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd
Clan:  Children of Haqim (Assamite)
Generation:  4th
Embrace: “the night when the stones spoke and the skies cried a blood rain”

Ur-Shulgi is the second childe of Haqim and the first of the Assamite magi.  He is the most efficient war-mage on the face of the planet.  His thought processes are completely incomprehensible to anyone not of his age and power stratum.  He is violence given a physical body.

Ur-Shulgi awoke after a millennia of slumber and shattered the Tremere “Blood Curse” with no more than the faintest exertion.  Casually shredding a ritual cast by the combined might of the Tremere Inner Circle is a good indicator of what he can accomplish should he choose to go all-out.

Since his return, Ur-Shulgi has made it a point to eliminate the Islamic faith from the clan of Haqim.  He sees this “Allah” as a corruption and must either show all those who worship him the error of their ways or exterminate them.  He already purged the “false” Master of Alamut after he refused to renounce his Muslim faith.  Ur-Shulgi and the older Assamites remember the time before Moses.  To them Haqim is their god and the Path of Blood is the only true faith.  They see their grandsires as a bunch of “devilish heathens.”  The younger Assamites know they can not take on Ur-Shulgi and the elders, so they have made plans to leave the clan and flee to the Western nations.

Ur-Shulgi looks like a scarred, burnt child god.  His skin is obsidian-black with a lattice of scars, bits of bone and sinew protruding beneath the skin.  His eyes look like they have either been gouged or burnt away, although he is able to see without hindrance.  When he chooses to wear clothes, it’s usually light colored caftans and robes.  His voice seems to billow up from the depths of a dry desert well (surprisingly Ur-Shulgi is fluent in any modern language in which he is addressed).

Ur-Shulgi normally remains motionless.  If he has to shift position, he does not move so much as flicker from point to point.

– Sources:  Chidren of the Night, pg. 89-91.  Nights of Prophecy, pg. 10.