Know Your Kindred – Xeper, Sultan of Lepers

Name:  Xeper, Sultan of Lepers
Clan:  Baali
Generation:  7th
Embrace:  790 AD

Xeper was originally an Egyptian trader traveling through Damascus.  He entered Baali servitude as a ghoul messenger to help keep the infernalists linked across the scattered regions.

When the Assamites destroyed numerous Baali strongholds, Xeper escaped and returned to Damascus to warn his masters.  For his actions they gave him the Embrace.

Since that time Xeper has remained in the shadows, watching Damascus grow.  He has also watched Annazir grow careless and make numerous mistakes that have compromised the clan’s safety.  Xeper believes he must act before Annazir’s foolishness jeopardizes the entire sect.

Xeper has convinced a number of younger Baali to take action against their elder.  The only matter stopping them is Annazir’s control over the organ pit.  Once Xeper understands its secrets, he will rise up against Annazir.  Until that time, he waits, trying to find a way to use the Assamites to destroy Annazir without it threatening the other Baali.

– Source:  Veil of Night, pg. 206.